Eat More Plants.

Frozen Rainbows.


Besides the fact that this was painstakingly tedious, it led me to discover an amazing fruit combination: mango & cantaloupe.

I’m not the biggest cantaloupe/honey dew fan but for whatever reason the mango and the cantaloupe together was sublime. I love watermelon only because it doesn’t have that funny texture that the other melons have. I dunno. That’s just me.

From top to bottom:
Mango & cantaloupe
Honey dew

Another day I’ll post about the amazing foamy-ness of a blended pineapple. I’ve used it as a topping for raw cashew cream cake before! It’s so good. Light, airy, smooth but dense enough to hold up on it’s own.

I blended each fruit without adding any water, except for the [local!] strawberries. They were a little too thick on their own.


[Side note: why do people always throw away the leaves of the strawberries? I eat them if they’re nice and green and organic.]

I read this article about food dyes the other day. Disturbing stuff. The most common food dyes are red 40 and yellow 5. Despite the fact that they are known to cause allergy-like symptoms and hyperactivity in children, they’re in many, many, MANY common foods. And they’re in more than just brightly colored cereal…you’d be shocked to find toxic food dyes in things like vanilla ice cream, marshmallows and pastries.

They also are almost ALL either cancerous tumor inducing or encouraging growth of an existing tumor. Isn’t it outrageous that these toxins aren’t outright banned or at least having a warning label?! The European Union does have warning labels on products containing food dyes but unfortunately the United States does not.

Reading a few articles about food dyes prompted me to make these popsicles. Just to show that you don’t need chemicals to make healthy food appealing to kids. Extra time and patience? Yes, of course. But it’s worth it. You only get one body; treat it right.

7 Responses to “Frozen Rainbows.”

    • farmtotablelife

      Thank you! It’s a shame, isn’t it?! Hopefully we’ll have warning labels on products that contain dyes, here in the U.S., so more people are aware of them.


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